I now have beautiful mugs made by Deneen Pottery out of St. Paul, Minnesota. They are made one by one using the finest materials and best skilled potters. The coincidence is that “My Mr. Thurston” was from the Twin Cities and was a highly respected businessman in the late 1880’s. His son-in-law was also a highly respected architect and many of the homes and public buildings of the late 1880’s to early 1900’s were designed by him – Clarence Johnston. Anyway, a small world for sure.

Cyrus Brooks Thurston relaxing at Thurston House, circa 1900
The mugs from Deneen are beautiful and are offered for sale here too. Many people travel only to inns who carry these mugs. You can find a list of inns who do carry them, listed by state, on their website. Even if you don’t buy one, come to Thurston House and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea from one of the colorful cups on hand.