At the holidays it is always special to come upon something that you have long time wonderful memories of. I am fortunate to have a few Christmas ornaments from long ago when I was growing up on Montana Drive in Holden, MA. Christmas time was a big deal at our house and in the entire neighborhood. People all had their houses decorated inside and out. A good many of our neighbors were of Swedish decent, so we learned a lot about those traditions too. My Mom learned how to make a mean Pepperkokar, and got so hers’ were even thinner than the Swedish neighbors cookies…something every baker aspired towards. Well, those times are long past and most of the adults in the neighborhood then have since passed away. The memories and stories still linger in all of our hearts, especially as I put out my few precious items…some shown here. Thurston House bed & breakfast is especially wonderful this month…come see!

special ornaments from my childhood